Against oblivion
Forgotten Creatures
The belief in house dragons and mosswomen, in goblins and elves shaped the daily routine and everyday life of humans over many centuries. By this means different customs, songs and, above all, sagas and fairy tales arised. Some of them were written down by the Brothers Grimm and other collectors in the 19th century. Today we have hardly any relation to these stories, although the fascination for the strange still lurks in us. Everyone is talking about fantastic novels. Movies and series are thrilling millions of people every day. The interest in mythological figures and mythical creatures is still undiminished today and finds constant entry into modern popculture.
Despite the popularity of phantastical media, knowledge of the cultural origin of the underlying motifs is disappearing in the general consciousness. It is therefore time to revive the fascination with the almost forgotten mythical characters of central Europe. With the project “Forgotten Creatures”, the nonprofit association Zeitsprünge e.V. started 2017 its mission to reanimate the creatures of “lower mythology”. This is done in an innovative way: We create sculptures whose exterior corresponds to the descriptions from historical documents. We combine art with cultural history and thus create a modern level of experiencing our own cultural past!

Past exhibitons:
28.09.2019 – 6. Oktober 2019: Art-Festival “Denkmal Kunst Kunst Denkmal”
together with our partners from Dr. Wolfs Wunderkammer
28. Dezember 2018 – 24. April 2019: Exhibition “Vergessene Kreaturen” at Stadtbibliothek Erfurt
Further projects:
since April 2020: Shelter for (nearly) forgotten Creatures within the “Rooms for thought and cultural (hi)stories” together with our partners from Dr. Wolfs Wunderkammer
Forgotten Creatures is part of the charity NGO “Zeitsprünge e.V.”. The mission of this non-profit association is to educate people about natural and cultural science with innovative projects.